Monday, June 27, 2011

Bread Base Pizza

Sometimes for a snack or for lunch, I would make something that can be classified as a downgraded version of a pizza. I would use whole wheat bread slices as the base, ketchup as the tomato sauce, and top them with various ingredients. Then I would bake them in a 350 degrees Fahrenheit preheated oven for about 10 minutes to melt the cheese and toast the edges of the bread. One time, I topped the slices with shredded mozzarella cheese, basil leaves, sliced cherry tomatoes, diced red peppers, and grated Parmesan cheese. During another occasion, I used onions, sliced cherry tomatoes, chopped onions, shredded mozzarella cheese, grated Parmesan cheese, ground black pepper, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning to top the bread. I think these are fun to make. You should give them a try especially when you have an urge for pizza. 

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