Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Deee-licious Shrimp Fried Rice

I had some brown rice left over from last night so I decided to make some shrimp fried rice with it.  Check out the picture below. 

                                     Doesn’t it look gorgeous? It actually tastes good, too.

Here goes the recipe:
  • olive oil or any other cooking oil
  • three eggs
  • half of a medium sized onion diced
  • 2 garlic clove minced
  • a hand full of shrimp (I used small de-shell and de-vein frozen raw shrimp.)
  • about a cup of peas (I used frozen peas.)
  • about two cups of one day old rice (I used brown rice)
  • black pepper(optional), paprika(optional),
  • soy sauce
  • sesame oil(optional)
  1. Scramble the eggs in a heated skillet or pan with oil. Add some black pepper for taste. Once the eggs are cooked, transfer them to a plate.
  2. Defrost the frozen shrimp in cold water. Then wash/rinse them in cold water and let it drain in a colander. Defrost the peas by washing/rinsing it in water and letting it drain in a colander.  
  3. While the shrimp and peas are draining, add some oil to the skillet or pan. Saute the onion and garlic over medium heat for about 1-2 minutes. Then add the shrimp and peas. The shrimp and peas will release water since it was frozen so continue to cook the shrimp and peas over medium heat until most of the moisture is gone. Stir occasionally. Also, during this step add some pepper and paprika for taste and mix well.
  4. When most of the moisture is gone, add the rice and eggs. Increase the heat to high. The rice would most likely be lumpy so use your spatula to loosen the rice. Add oil if needed. Then add soy sauce to your liking (I added about 1 tablespoon). Add sesame oil if desired but do not add too much as sesame oil has a strong taste to it (I added about a 1 tsp).  Use a spatula to mix all the ingredients together. Once all of the rice have loosen and all of the seasonings are incorporated, transfer the fried rice to a bowl or plate and serve. Voi·là. Enjoy!!!

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